Softaculous don't save WHMCS admin credentials

  • Softaculous don't save WHMCS admin credentials

    Posted by Xavier on 25/03/2022 a las 9:23 AM

    After installing WHMCS in softaculous a screen appears showing the admin credentials.

    After that I cant get the admin user form the panel or the database. I try to restablish the credentials but its not working.

    Alexis respondió 2 years, 7 months atras 2 Miembros · 1 Respuesta
  • 1 Respuesta
  • Alexis

    25/03/2022 a las 9:33 AM
    433 centavos

    Hola Xavier, no me queda clara la inquietud ¿podria ver una captura del error? procura ocultar las credenciales en dicha captura.

    Adicional seria de gran ayuda si nos provees de la URL y pasos para replicar el error.

    Quedo atento.


    Hello Xavier, the concern is not clear to me, could I see a screenshot of the error? try to hide the credentials in the capture.

    Additionally, it would be great if you provide us with the URL and steps to replicate the error.

    I will be waiting for your answer in this post

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